Saturday 30 April 2011

I found this gallery online and found that I share similar tastes and interests with the artist, well worth a look...


Cropping the image

Friday 29 April 2011

Future Plans

  • To improve my website and build it from scratch using Dreamweaver.
  • Look into having a third book published, either exploring my chair collection, or possibly a large collection of my work.
  • To continue exploring photography, its processes and available editing software (Adobe Lightroom)
  • To apply myself to Photographer competitions such as Look11 (Liverpool’s International Photography Festival) which launches this May.
  • To try and be more assertive and collaborate more with surrounding peers/ artists.
  • A possible exhibition this summer in Cyprus.


Lucy Westall was born and raised in Cyprus and moved to England at the age of 16. Currently a second year BA (Hons) student, studying Fine Art at John Moores University in Liverpool. Over the past few years my work has changed and developed, but usually leads back to my upbringing in Cyprus. 
For this aeries of work the artist began looking at surface textures, which had been created in urban landscapes through various aspects, such as neglect, poverty, politics and weathering. Mimmo Rotella is an inspiration in her work; in the way that he explores the idea of layering, which is what she finds so visually interesting in these urban surfaces. 
‘Through the Window’ series evolved out of what the artist felt was an overlooked image and had previously discarded. Reviewing the image, she appreciated the beautiful colours and textures, and explored the surface tensions within the image. 
After having developed the main image, the artist made a connection between the image and the frame that it sat in.
The artist found part of the image reminded her of worn sepia photographs. This led to an exploration of darkroom photography.
The artist explores the tactile qualities of  frames using specially located drift wood, aligned with the visual qualities of the image.
The use of glass is an attempt to persuade the viewer to look through both the glass and the image itself, and the use of frosted Perspex distorts images.
Photographs of Cyprus near the Green Line, a neglected land littered with army checkpoints; show black vastness, conveying an atmosphere of tension, emphasising the impact that politics has on this landscape.

Im really pleased with how the opening night went, as well as the exhibition overall. I do feel that the arrangement of my work doesn't work that well, and would have been better with more space around each of the images, but as we were a large group, space was hard to find. This is something which I feel I will consider more when next exhibiting. The reception for my magnetic presentation cards was really well received, and by the end of the night only a few remain. I'm currently in the process of making more so that hopefully there will be enough for the rest of duration of the exhibition.

Look11 Competition Part 4















Look11 Competition Part 3




Look11 Competition Part 2






Thursday 28 April 2011

Look11 Competition

Send in a single photographic image that captures Liverpool for you. We welcome photos of people, the streets, work, change, action, distance, light, details, fun, encounters, home, public, personal – anything that builds up a portrait of this great city.

Possible Images I already have:












I plan to spend some time next week, to carry on photographing Liverpool.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Don McCullen

Kevin Meredith

I came across Kevin Meredith's Hot shots book and found it to be really interesting. Meredith shares with the viewer his tips and techniques of the trade, making it not only a book of visually interesting photography, but also a guide to amateur photographers. I found it to be really useful in exploring different angles, as well as different camera equipment.

Monday 11 April 2011

Light Bulb

I also found this image on the same website, again I don't know who created it but love the idea. 

The above image, I photographed in Cyprus, with the idea of trying to frame the sunlight behind the bulb, so it appeared that the bulb was illuminating the sky. Unfortunately I don't think it works that well.

Stacked Chairs

I found this image, and love the idea! I cant work out whether its been done digitally, or if its real. It seems to fit in with my fascination with chairs as a subject.

Presentation Cards Layout