Saturday 13 November 2010

Victoria Gallery & Museum

Whilst waiting for Andy Holdens performance to start I decided to have a quick look at some other exhibiting artists and came across Astrid Kirchherr's: A Retrospective.

I instantly fell in love with her large black and white photographs. Kirrchherr is well known for her photographs of the early Beatles.

I really liked the way you could see the progression in the Beatles, from her early photographs where they were young and naive, to the later photographs where they had achieved pop stardom and had moved on from the city they had been born and raised.

I found Kirchherrs images of Liverpool after the war really powerful. They reminded me slightly of my own images which are loosely based around the green line in Cyprus displaying the social and economic change because of the war displayed below:

Kirchherr had made her work cohesive through the use of black and white photography and also the link with Liverpool. This is something I need to look into when displaying my work to make sure a clear message is displayed.

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