Monday 23 May 2011


Juergen Chill's Zellen series (2006- 2007) features prison cells in Germany, where it depicts inmates trying to individualize their environment through the arrangement of personal belongings. I love the idea of there being a presence felt in a bleak and solitude environment.

David Maisel's Library of Dust (2006) displays a series of jars which have become oxidized and began decaying. The oxidization of the copper jars has created beautiful colours and textures, which is similar to my interests in my car door metal series which I began the project looking at. As well as being visually interesting to look at, the jars also serve a purpose. They contain the cremated remains of psychiatric patients, who's remains we never collected by family or friends. This knowledge gives the viewer a chill, to their actually function which is something which I find interesting and similar to the ideas of Simon Norfolk i.e. beauty having a different side.

David Moore's 28 Days (2009) is a series of images taken in Paddington Police Station. The images give off an overwhelming feeling of confinement as well as patience emphasised by the cube shaped room, reminiscent of a cell. I found this really interesting how the environment in which you view the images, can help emphasise a feeling and create an atmosphere in an image.

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