Thursday 17 February 2011

From A4- A0

As previously mentioned, I went on to explore the scale of the image. I had preconceptions that the image wouldn't work on a larger scale, but once it was printed, it was clear to me that thankfully I was wrong. The vast amount of black in the image creates drama and atmosphere.

I then went on to experiment with the framing. A few weeks ago, I found an old window frame quite by accident in a skip. I wondered whether this frame might work well the image? I really liked the combination of the frame and the image together, although it means that a lot of the black in the image would have to be cut off, thus perhaps losing some of its atmospheric feel.

Something I intend to explore, is the idea of mounting the A0 image, and then suspending the window frame to focus on the central column. I am aware however, that this may cause various issues, such as being able to hang it, as well as the health and safety implications it may have.

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