Sunday 16 January 2011

Photo Joinery

I came across Reed Estabrook's 118 North Main Street, Providence, Rhode Island. 1969. Where Estabrook explores the idea of making images in an unorthadox manner, challenging conventions of an image being comprised of many frames, instead of one. Estabrook photographed a room and then pieced it together with the negatives. I loved this idea and it reminded me of David Hockney's Joiner series.

Due to me using old equipment, this meant that quite a lot of my images didn't materialize the way I had planned. For example I tried out Estabrook's method at an abandoned TV/ Scrap yard and the negative was out of date, so the images didn't come out. I did manage to get a few images out that I had on another negative.

I also became inspired by William G. Larson's Small Talk, 1971. I loved the lines in the imagery, and the way it connected one image to another. I also like the play on viewpoint, as the images start from a low point, and then move to a high point, as though the photographer has grown, reflecting childhood to manhood. 

I wanted to play around with this idea of lines making the images work cohesively, as though its a panoramic image. The four images on the negatives are of different areas of flat land, but I felt they joined together quite well by the horizon line which is almost running straight through the images.

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