Friday 14 January 2011

Semester Review- 10th Jan

I'm quite glad with how the assessment went and received some really useful feedback. The idea of displaying a range of ways in which to display my final idea was quite interesting i.e. larger scale, light boxes, projections etc. at first I didn't intend for all the 'try outs' to be displayed together but when re-looked at there was a really interesting link between the pieces i.e. one example being the image in the foreground of the box-frame and the other, being in the background. It was also picked up the interesting effect that had accidently happened when printing the lasertran for the glass piece where it had left printing lines, which could be related to the lines and grains in the found piece of wood.

I really like my idea of using the frosted perspex to obscure the image slightly, and would like to play around with a number of ways to subtly obscure the image further.

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